HR Development


Advanced human resource development project

At CIES, the following project has been implemented with the objective of producing and developing young research personnel in the field of electronics technology

(1) Lectures and curriculum delivered by industry–academia joint faculties (credit courses)

In these courses, we explain the types of talents required in industry sectors and society as a whole, create curriculums based on those principles, and offer lectures by members of industry–academia joint faculties.

(2) Industry–academia joint faculty organizing system

The Industry–Academia Collaboration Curriculum Committee has been established to organize a series of lectures reflecting interactions between different research fields and future technology trends.

(3) Industry–academia collaboration OJT system promoting advanced human resource development

・RA system within the consortium*

We elucidate the responsibilities of people engaged in industry–academia collaborative research and aim to encourage graduate students and postdoctoral and young researchers to participate in industry–academia collaborative research by providing compensation.
*A system which clarifies the responsibilities assigned to students participating in the research and pays personnel expenses accordingly.

・Internship system

A promotion system has been organized targeting doctoral course students (DCs), post-doctoral fellows (PDs), and assistant professors to help take part in internships at participating companies in cooperation with the university’ s Innovative Leaders Platform (ILP).

Advanced human resource development project
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